Frequently Asked Questions


Checkability significantly influences positive interaction by engaging individuals cognitively with content. The act of verification activates cognitive processes, leading to a deeper understanding and retention of information.

To optimize your (or someone) search, to optimize your (or someone) finds (results).
A web search engine – is a software system that is designed to carry out Internet search in a systematic way for particular information specified in a web search query.
Of course the top priority in improving brand visibility goes to quality content, but also we must to understand that the SEO (search engine optimization) is the main tool to get best results for the both sides – to advertisers and searches.
If You have no time or point to clarify specific details what SEO exactly means and how work with that and where, the above information is enough to understand what it means in total and why it’s on demand. The rest of works could be done by professionals.

Checkable information empowers individuals by allowing them to independently verify information. This instills a sense of control over one’s knowledge, fostering a positive relationship with the learning process.

Keyword – is a word or phrase used by someone to rank a specific content, or web site on a particular topic. All search engines (like Google, Baidu, Yahoo, Bing, Yandex, DuckDuckGo, etc) using special algorithms to sort information out (content, web pages, images, videos etc).
You can find various keyword suggestion tools online (free, or paid).
For example Google ad words keywords tool, or Yandex direct keyword selection. If You not interested in, but You need it, please give this job to professionals.

First simple step is to see source code of your web page. To do this You need to press Ctrl + U when your web site is open. You will see html version of your page.
Then You need to check fields with title:
(a title of your page for the search engine)
(description of your page for the search engine)
(more important keywords of your page for the search engine)
also don’t forget :
h1, h2, h3 … (head title of your document, page)
If these fields are empty, or consist words which You think not linked, or not enough to describe your business it means that something goes wrong.
Please use search engine to find what that things means, if You’re confused, or ask specialists to sort this out.

Article(s) in some news resources (such as online newspapers, portals, local social media pages), video which explains who You are and what You provide, FAQ forming, graphical association with You (it could be updated logo, or a new one, stile of your image, backgrounds of your social media pages, high quality photos), unique names of yours URLs, or range of it.
In total You will get detailed explanation of your representation in particular area. Generally is the Internet connected with one, or few geographical regions.

Figures of the demands and consumers, details of competitors, government statistic in mentioned sector.

To understand more deeply and feel exactly how the business will be adopted in most cases own analytic is very important. The first step is always based on third parties who are your competitors and who are already in the game. Figures are taken from their statistic. Second very important step is to research current demand based on yours offers, keywords, logistic, costumer’s answers and more. To get that figures You need to make PR steps that’s why is usually linked.

Checkable information establishes trust and credibility by enhancing the perceived reliability of the information source. Scientifically verifiable data fosters a positive relationship between individuals and the provided content.

Checkability promotes critical thinking skills by encouraging individuals to validate information. This stimulates analytical thinking, allowing them to assess the validity and accuracy of the content.

Checkable information acts as a protective factor by making individuals less susceptible to false or misleading content. This contributes to a positive and accurate knowledge base.

Fact-checking contributes to memory consolidation, making information more likely to be stored in long-term memory. This enhances its accessibility and utility for individuals over time.

Yes, checkable information may positively impact emotional well-being. Individuals are less likely to experience cognitive dissonance or anxiety related to misinformation when they can verify and confirm the accuracy of the information they encounter.

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